Greece, with its rich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes, and strategic location in Europe, is an attractive destination for individuals looking to work, invest, or settle. For Nepalese citizens, Greece offers excellent opportunities to obtain a work permit visa or a business resident visa, which can eventually lead to citizenship.

Greece Work Permit Visa for Nepalese Citizens

If you're a Nepalese citizen seeking employment in Greece, the Greece Work Permit Visa is your pathway to working and living in this European nation. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Job Offer: Secure a job offer from a Greek employer. The employer must prove that no suitable candidates are available within the EU for the position.

  2. Visa Application: Apply for the Greece Work Permit Visa at the nearest Greek consulate or embassy in Nepal. Provide all required documents, including your job offer letter, valid passport, and proof of qualifications.

  3. Residence Permit: Upon arrival in Greece, you will need to apply for a residence permit, allowing you to live and work in Greece legally.

  4. Duration: The work permit is typically valid for one year and can be renewed annually as long as employment continues.

  5. Path to Citizenship: After five years of continuous residence in Greece, you may be eligible to apply for permanent residency. Citizenship can be applied for after seven years of legal residence.

Greece Business Resident Visa for Nepalese Entrepreneurs

For Nepalese entrepreneurs and investors, the Greece Business Resident Visa offers a unique opportunity to invest in the Greek economy while obtaining residency. This visa is ideal for those who wish to start a business or invest in existing businesses in Greece.

  1. Investment Requirement: Applicants must make a significant investment in Greece, such as purchasing real estate, investing in a Greek company, or starting a new business.

  2. Business Plan: A detailed business plan demonstrating the viability of your investment and its potential to contribute to the Greek economy is required.

  3. Visa Application: Submit your application at the Greek embassy or consulate in Nepal, including all necessary documents such as proof of investment, a valid passport, and a clean criminal record.

  4. Residence Permit: Once your visa is approved, you will be granted a residence permit, allowing you to live and conduct business in Greece.

  5. Path to Citizenship: After five years of continuous residence and maintaining your investment, you can apply for permanent residency. Citizenship is possible after seven years of legal residence.

Why Choose Greece?

Greece is not just a beautiful country with a rich history; it also offers a high quality of life, access to the European market, and a strategic location for business. By obtaining a work permit or business resident visa, you are not only securing your future but also opening doors to European citizenship.

Contact Us Today!

Ready to take the next step? Contact us at [email protected] for expert guidance and assistance in your visa application process.

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Apply Now and start your journey to living and working in Greece!

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